Three Tips To Keep Your Pet Calm At The Grooming Salon

Posted on: 27 February 2017

Going to the groomer can be a difficult time for many dogs, especially if this is their first-ever grooming session or if they are going to a new groomer for the first time. However, you don't have to put your dog on "Puppy Prozac" to get them through their grooming appointment. The following tips take a little time and effort, but are well worth doing to make sure your dog has a calming, relaxing time at the groomer.

Visit the Grooming Salon Before Your Appointment

New, strange places can make a dog fearful. Visit the grooming salon at least once before your dog's first appointment. If possible, let your dog sniff around and explore so they will become familiar with the facility. Once they get used to going, it may start to feel like a second home to your pet. This will cut down on their anxiety, as well as reduce your stress at leaving your dog with someone else to get groomed and spiffy-ed up.

Socialize Your Dog With the Groomer in Advance

Instead of having your dog meet the groomer for the first time over a pair of clippers and a bathtub (which would freak almost anyone out), take them in to meet the groomer for a happy "hello, how are you?" session. It can be helpful for the groomer to take some time to play with your dog in a non-threatening environment and provide a few treats to win your dog's trust. Then when your dog goes for their grooming session, they will feel like the groomer is an old and trusted friend. 

Calming Oils

You can also purchase calming oils in spray or droplet form. These can be placed in your dog's food or water or applied to their nose prior to a grooming appointment. These oils generally calm most dogs down well; some more stubborn cases won't be deterred from being fearful. In these cases, you may wish to ask your vet for a prescription for a calming agent that is more effective.

Some dogs just aren't going to like going to the groomer no matter what you do. In these cases, you may want to try handling the grooming tasks yourself. If you aren't up to that, go to an experienced groomer that has the ability to work with special-needs dogs. And don't stick around to distract your dog; leave and come back after they're all groomed.
